Back, but not quite in the saddle

Welcome to the new readers and commentators who have arrived here recently. My apologies for not being around much to address all the various comments (even if I could) or post over the last few days; shortly after my immensely popular last post, I came down with a high fever and thus barely mustered the energy necessary to approve comments to it. After realizing that the fever wasn’t going away and indeed was venturing into dangerous territory, I went to the hospital where I was admitted with severe pneumonia.
So I’ve been a bit indisposed of late. I just got back home, and hopefully will be back in the saddle again RealSoonNow™.

3 thoughts on “Back, but not quite in the saddle

  1. Lon says:

    Something more important than blogging?!? Noooo! 🙂 Actually, it may even be better now that I’ve got a full bottle of Percocet and doctor’s orders to take it easy. 😀
    Thanks for the complement, it’s nice to hear that my little spot on the web is being enjoyed. Not a bad blog you have yourself. 🙂
    BTW, I saw your Dec14 post on belief…I’ve got a treatment on faith/belief in my draft posts that I’m working on, you might like it if you’re around when I get that elusive round tuit.

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